Making Mercy Caduceus Staff (Overwatch) - Craft & Tell

An in-depth look on how I built this motorized battle-staff using real metal, 3D printing and other techniques! It took only 3 days to make, and it will serve as my Mercy cosplay main accessory. Did I mention that it’s motorized and spins!? :D Join my live crafting Streams on Twitch! Viewer participation is fun! And here’s your Zibartas Discord invite! _______________________________________ If you need some components from your projects, take a look at these affiliate links for products I use: Analog Single Color Strips: US: EU: DENSE 120/m RGB Strips (Waterproof or Non-Proof) Ana...log Single/RGB Strips (Waterproof or Non-Waterproof): Digital LED Strips (Cheap Neopixels): US: EU: The 144 per meter are amazing :x Chip on Board LEDs (I use 50cm long ones for my wings): Odd-shape Chip on Board LEDs 12V Linear Actuators: US: EU: (I personally use 500N 20mm/s ones ) 12V Garage Door Openers US: EU: AliExpress: Arduinos: US: EU: Servos: US: EU: ________________________________________ If you like this sort of thing, you can find more goodies on my social media accounts: Also, I have a website:
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