No one expected that! THREE AGAINST ONE in the real fight! INSANE TRASH FIGHT or THE FITURE OF MMA?

That is the experimental video about the new kind of fights that has appeared in this crazy world not so long time ago. Please let us know if it is interesting for you and if you would like to see such fights in the future? Now when the classic MMA in Russia gave up its place to some freak fights on YouTube where everyone takes on everyone under different sets of rules, our Polish colleagues decided to add some craziness to the world of MMA. Professional fighter nicknamed Kung Fu Panda watched the video where Maxim Novoselov fights and wins against three opponents simultaneously. Polish fighter decided to do the same and organized the fight in cooperation with Elite Fighters promotion. In this fight he had three opponents against him alone. Now you can watch how this experiment ended! And also please don’t forget to give us to give us your thoughts about it! #Crazy #Insane #Freak
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