tubebackr Timelapse

Free Download: Timelapse by tubebackr has been exclusively released on the record label Free To Use Music. They own the exclusive worldwide rights to this music track which ensures that it is 100% FREE and SAFE to use in your monetized user generated content on SoMe platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Twitch, and Facebook. You MUST give appropriate credit - please see an example of how to give proper credit below. As long as you give proper credit, then you will NOT receive any copyright claim on your videos, so you will still be able to monetize your videos and earn money! Copy & paste the text below into the description of your video: ___________________________________ Music from Free To Use Music Track: Timelapse by tubebackr ___________________________________ If you want to use this music track without having to give credit and or for commercial purposes (e.g. TV show, advertisement, movie, podcast, or other media format), then you will need to purchase a license - please fill out this form and we will get back to you ASAP. Stream
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