Jurgis Did - Rolling Waves

—// lyrics //-- I hear rolling waves pounding in my head… Sing a song for me from long ago Braids of velvet sound that swell and flow Who’s to say this tune is yours or mine Whispers that transcend the test of time I hear rolling waves pounding in my head… Songbird sing a song that we all know Where you learned that tune, you don’t even know Written in the wind and on the waves Whisper ‘tween your ears that don’t behave web: Facebook: — // about // — Songs are meant to be sung. We take them for granted as they blare out our speakers and ooze through our earbuds, but often forget that the original journey of a song was very different from what we know today. A song begins as intention. A whisper in our subconscious. An emotion that takes the shape of sound. It rolls off of your vocal chords, fills a space, weaves itself with other sounds, and returns through your ears. The song is repeated. I
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