【魔道祖師|江澄原創曲】輕鴻行 [MDZS|JiangCheng] Swan Goose’s Journey

「霜火凌烈淬傲骨 何妨輕鴻向天逐」 ★《魔道祖師》江澄原創曲《輕鴻行》PV發佈★ ※————staff————※ 演 唱:裂天 念 白:彭尧 作 曲:祝何 作 詞:狂山(中英雙語) 編 曲:-沖兒- 竹笛演奏:呆笛子囚牛 吉他演奏:李萌music 後 期:Wuli包子 曲繪繪師: 空口说白头、点点点、阿哉。 日月鹊、Maovreea、江中小葵鸭 啄米、鱼闲、千步步步步步 烨烨其华、静如瘫痪、緑川、萨尔茨天空 Lime希子、蓝顾、夷璇、micky -烟雨江南-、瑞果、杉蓝蓝 注:繪師按照作品出場順序排列 封面繪師:狩野浤 封面題字:二遥 PV製作:飞米映画 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【魔道祖師|江澄原創曲】輕鴻行 [MDZS|JiangCheng] Swan Goose’s Journey [主歌Verse ] 星落蓮湖生朝露 Stars falling into the lotus lake become morning dew 誰從長夜喚日出 From the dreary night he wakes the daylight 霜火淩烈淬傲骨 Fr...ost and flame temper his character into unyielding firmness 何妨輕鴻向天逐 Yet burdened is he not, free as a swan goose, still aspiring to the firmament 猶記昔年親朋常相伴 There was a time when he was surrounded by family and friends 笑鬧天真愁情短 When happiness lasted forever, and sorrow but fleeting 把紅塵覽 不信人間有離散 He travelled the world, knowing nothing of unforgettable grief 明月滿 糖衣甘 心花綻 燈火暖 The moon was full, the glace sweet. Joy bloomed in the warmth of lantern lights 誰料萬斛新荷 一朝血染 枯舊岸 Who’d have foreseen the numberless new blown lotuses, withered in blood stains, burying the familiar land? [副歌Chorus] 劍鋒同斬衛河山 With swords that cleft together they defended their homeland 計顧恩仇也並肩 Avenging their blood and tears, supported by each other 轉瞬陌路孤舟都無言 空歎 一江寒 Yet so suddenly they are but silent strangers, while a lone canoe laments the bleak water 隻手雪刃煞烽煙 Single-handedly he quenches the flame of wars 踏獨岩披荊引旗旃 Blazing a trail through brambles, holding up the flag on the forsaken rock 縱起別念 莫回首歸途漫漫 Though nostalgic, don’t turn around, for the way back is much too long [念白Voice-over] 縱是天火,也休想燒盡九瓣蓮 Even if it’s a fire lit by the almighty Sun, it shall never ever burn up the nine-petal lotuses 只要我還在,雲夢江氏就決不會倒 So long as I stand here, the House of Yunmeng Jiang will never fall [主歌Verse] 風捷雷迅獵林巒 Swift as wind, fierce as thunder, he hunts through the forests and mountains 冰輝閃倏妖邪斬 With a cold glimmer the blade slays the wicked and evil 收雨駐波平危瀾 He stops the rain, halts the wave, calms the furious storm 淩雲如電威名傳 Like the lightning high above the clouds, his fame spreads far and wide 乾惕朝夕更漏書窗晚 Assiduous is he all day long, the clock ticking to the night-darkened window 溯涉濁流赴清談 Wading through turbid waters he attends the refined talks of tact and diplomacy 將棋枰撼 縱橫局中發菡萏 The chessboard shattered , from the equilibrium sprouts a lotus flower unsullied 玉盤轉 韶光換 朱砂丹 烈如蘭 The moon is full, the old times gone, the vermillion mark virtuously bright as an orchid 且任伶仃殘照 冰雪肝膽 倚闌干 Leaning on the banisters, he lets the forlorn moonlight shines his spirit, still crystalline [副歌Chorus] 劍鋒同斬衛河山 With swords that cleft together they defended their homeland 計顧恩仇也並肩 Avenging their blood and tears, supported by each other 轉瞬陌路孤舟都無言 空歎 一江寒 Yet so suddenly they are but silent strangers, while a lone canoe laments the bleak water 隻手雪刃煞烽煙 Single-handedly he quenches the flame of wars 踏獨岩披荊引旗旃 Blazing a trail through brambles, holding up the flag on the forsaken rock 縱起別念 莫回首歸途漫漫 Though nostalgic, don’t turn around, for the way back is much too long [橋段Bridge] 敢 回還 與故人再相看 Should there be a chance to be reunited with the departed 可願 孑身以渡忘川 Will he cross the waters of Lethe all on his own? 輾轉都尋遍 所憶只在沉眠 Yet having searched all over he realised they could only be found in his slumber 幻夢覺 清蓮曉開斷前緣 Away fades the illusory dream, the lotus waking belatedly, no longer haunted by past memories [副歌變奏Chorus] 半生恰似逆行船 Life so far has been a sail against the current 執頑常懷癡嗔貪 Obstinate and obsessed with delusion, aversion, and attachment 困險峽越重巒終అ
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