osu! Archive | ExGon - Disgaea OST - Running Fire [Insane] HD,NC | SS #1

Welcome to osu! Archive a series which we started after the great response in this thread: Discussion Thread for this: Most people acknowledge ExGon for being an absolutely spectacular CTB player, but only little know about his incredibly standard play as well. ExGon has a myriad of #1s on older maps, and his reading and accuracy on both poorly timed songs and incredibly low ARs with hidden is mesmerizing. This play on running fire yields incredibly high note density with hidden (225bpm ar7), and the linear patterns on such a small circle size make an FC itself an incredible feat, let alone an SS. Enjoy! [Text by Jehlp from discussion thread above!] Player’s Profile: Player’s Skin: | Click “Show more“ for an explanation what the hell this video and game is all about! Map: ---------------------------- Карта - .
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