“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.“ 🌹🌟🤴
Music by Rachel Portman
Libretto by Nicholas Wright
G. Schirmer, Inc. o/b/o Chester Music Ltd.
James Lowe, Conductor
Tara Faircloth, Director
Melanie Malinka, Children’s Chorus Director
Michaella Calzaretta, Assistant Conductor
Jacob A. Climer, Set and Costume Designer
Mark Stanley, Lighting Design
Kate Casalino, Makeup Design
Carol Anderson, Principal Coach
Robert Bosworth, Assistant Coach
Emilio Casillo, Assistant Director
Amber Lewandowski, Stage Manager
Annie B
...rantley, Assistant Stage Manager
Chad DeMaris, Supertitle Musician
Nitai Fluchel, Little Prince (Chorister of The Madeleine Choir School)
Jared Bybee, The Pilot
Melanie Ashkar, The Fox / A Rose
Grace Kahl, The Rose
Melissa Heath, The Water / A Rose
Joshua Lindsay, The Snake / Vain Man
Addison Marlor, Lamplighter / Drunkard
Jesús Vicente Murillo, Businessman
Tyrell Wilde, The King
Choristers of The Madeleine Choir School
Utah Symphony
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