Coming to North American Theaters August 26, 2022 |
ALIENOID—directed by Choi Dong-hoon and starring Ryu Jun-Yeol, Kim Woo-bin, and Kim Tae-ri—is the first in a planned series of two epic sci-fi action time-warpers. A tale of two eras, ALIENOID follows two Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392) gurus seeking a legendary, time-bending blade as they unexpectedly cross paths with modern-era people hunting down a dangerous alien concealed inside a human’s body.
Directed by: Choi Dong-hoon
Starring: Ryu Jun-Yeol, Kim Woo-bin, and Kim Tae-ri
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Well Go USA, the studio behind TRIPLE THREAT, TRAIN TO BUSAN, and the IP MAN franchise, brings the best in martial arts, action, genre, and independent films from the U.S. and around the world to North America.
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