Regatta “Wave across the ocean“ part 2

The regatta “Wave across the Ocean“ took place on 08/31/2024. The best athletes of Montenegro took part in the last competition of this season. 8 teams , 8 hours on the water, 5 rounds. We have gathered teams from all clubs and cities of Montenegro🇲🇪. Our partners and sponsors are the Porto Montenegro Yacht Club, the Montenegro🇲🇪-USA🇺🇸 Friendship Society. The winners will fly to the USA🇺🇸 this winter to represent Montenegro🇲🇪 at the regatta in Florida! Regata “Volna preko okeana“ održana je . Najbolji sportisti Crne Gore učestvovali su u poslednjem takmičenju ove sezone. 8 timova, 8 sati na vodi, 5 rundi. Okupili smo timove iz svih klubova i gradova Crne Gore. Naši partneri i sponzori : Iacht Club Porto Montenegro, društvo prijateljstva Crna Gora-SAD. Pobednici će leteti u SAD ove zime da predstavljaju Crnu Goru na regati na Floridi!
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