This is a new innovative method of laparoscopic removal of a block of inguinal lymph nodes in a 58-year-old patient with suspected right Inguinal lymphoma. The patient had previously undergone diagnostic laparoscopy and laparoscopic cholecystectomy due to coexisting cholelithiasis. Access was made through the anterior abdominal wall through a right midline incision five centimeters above the anterior iliac crest. Using the index, space was created under the skin and over the rectus abdominis sheath and around the inguinal lymph node block. An 11mm trocar was then inserted to create a pneumoperitoneum, initially with a pressure of 20mmHg for 3 minutes, which then remained at 14mmHg throughout the operation. The enlargement of the space was done with the use of the camera. Two low-height 5mm trocars inserted at each side, making triangle were then inserted into one dissecteur forceps and the other arresting forceps. Anatomical preparation of the lymph nodes was done by separating them from the subcutaneous fat and the anterior lobe of the rectus abdominis pouch. Some small lymph nodes were removed through a trocar and the rest through a small incision where a vacuum drain was placed.
Lymph node dissection with trocar placement on the medial surface of the thigh is described in the literature. In our patient, the lymph node block was above the inguinal ligament.
I thank the staff of the Euromedica Genesis Clinic Surgeries for their excellent cooperation.
Excellent surgical team.
D Farmakis MD, MSc, E Charalampopoulos, S Spinou, C. Katsini
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