#Kizomba #Kompa #urbankiz #Tarraxo #semba #AfroUrbanWeekend
📍#stockholm #Sweden
🎶Featuring: Mady Keita & Asmi
🎥Video: @Yerko Vidal (INSTAGRAM)
Our Star Artists Lineup:
💫Eliza Sala ( Holland )
💫 Mady Keita (Germany)
💫 Elli & Agnes (Sweden)
💫 Narcisse Ndri (Belgium)
💫 Pat (Finland)
💫 Mårten & Anna Sweden)
💫 Victoria Schirman VicKiz (Sweden)
💫 Alhassane & Susan (Sweden)
Our Star DJ Lineup:
💫 DJ Poema Beatz (Sweden)
💫 DJ MATT (France)
💫 DJ Ramie G (Sweden)
💫 DJ Bangs ( Sweden)🙏
Video description: The footage captures their fluid movements and synchronization as they dance together in different settings, including a dance class and in front of an audience. The video highlights the passion and skill of the dancers, as well as their ability to captivate and entertain viewers.
Compas (Haitian Creole: Konpa) and also socially accepted by other french speaking creole islands as “Kompa”, is a dance music and modern méringue in Haiti. Nemour Jean Baptiste introduced Kompa music from Haiti in 1959, and Kizomba emerged in 1984, following the introduction of Kompa to Cape Verdeans and other African communities in Brooklyn, NY. Despite attempts to redefine the genre, it remains diverse with various styles such as Kompa Kekal, Kompa Direct, Kompa Melasse, Kompa Roussi, Kompa Gouyad, and Troubadou. The amalgamation of these Kompa styles eventually gave rise to the creation of Zouk.
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Graphic Designer, Videographer
Creative Digital Producer
• event: AfroUrban Weekend
• our projects:
#Workshops #DanceClasses #SocialDance #Kizombafestival #kizombadance #kizombaworld #dance #danse #dancelifestyle #kizombalovers #passion #videodance #videooftheday #bodymovement #teachers #dancers
#kizomba #semba #tarraxinha #Urbankiz
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12 months ago 00:04:11 1
Demo Kompa Mady Keita After Workshop in Augsburg-Germany KizzTalk Festival 🕺🏿💃🏿