Stafford Cripps On Devaluation (1949)

London. CU. Exterior, front entrance of Barclays Bank, pan down to closed door. SCU. The British Bank of Iran and the Middle East with door shut. GV. Throgmorton Street thronged with Stock Exchange speculators. LS. Exterior of the Treasury in Whitehall. CU. Name ’Treasury’ over door. MS. Sir Stafford Cripps, Chancellor of the Exchequer, alighting from car and entering the Treasury. CU. Name over door. MS. Sir Stafford’s car driving up to Treasury. LS. Tracking shot into massed crowds in Throgmorton Street. SCU. Window of the Bank of West Africa with buildings reflected in it. Heathrow Airport. MS. Sir Stafford Cripps at airport being interviewed on their arrival from Washington - natural sound. He is saying that the dollar talks have been successful. MS. Sir Stafford’s plane taxiing in. CU. Sir Stafford Cripps continues - natural sound. He is saying that there is a solution for solving dollar sterling problem. He thanks America and Canada on their efforts. MS. Sir Stafford Cripps seated at desk i
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