Les Terres Saintes - French Crusading Song

This one is another song from the Crusades. The second line “True knights abandon all adornments.“ refers to the moral duty of the Catholic warrior to forsake vanity, and instead of adorning himself to go on battle, as it was custom then, to instead choose to adorn himself with the beauty of Faith. King Saint Louis IX led the way, eager to go on the Crusade and leave his home and comfort as King to fight for Christ to Palestine. Saint Louis IX died leading the Seventh Crusade. Louis was extremely devout, which reflected in his ruling as king: He forbid gambling, interest-bearing loans and prostitution in France, as well as raising the punishment of blasphemy to having the tongue removed. He contributed a lot of money for the preservation of relics of Christ and he built the Sainte-Chapelle for them. He also expanded the scope of the Inquisition and ordered the burning of Talmuds and other Jewish books. He was also very devout in his personal life, devoting himself to mortification practices such as beating hi
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