F/m Montgomery In Australia AKA Montgomery In Australia (1947)

Unused / unissued material - dates and locations may be unclear or unknown. Darwin, Yarralmula, Canberra, Australia MS Group stand on tarmac of Darwin RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) airfield, waiting for Montgomery’s plane to arrive. MS and CU The Avro York passenger plane carrying Montgomery, Chief of the Imperial General Staff (CIGS), touching down and taxiing in. MS and CU Field Marshall Viscount Montgomery (Monty) alighting from plane and being greeted by Major General J F Haydon, Commandant of the Area, and Mr A R Driver, Administrator of the Northern Territory. MS Monty gets into the official car. MS Car drives off. MS High shot, Avro York plane taxiing on runway. LS High shot, crowd of officials and press reporter and photographers gathered round Montgomery’s plane. CU Montgomery standing under the plane’s wing. (2 shots). MS Monty disembarking from the plane. MS Monty with Governor General McKell at Yarralmula. CU Monty laughing and chatting. MS Monty shaking hands with some school childr
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