Eisenhower and Montgomery receive honourary degrees from Cambridge University (1946)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit General Dwight D. Eisenhower and Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery receiving honourary degrees from Cambridge University Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Our Roving Camera Reports... ENGLAND: Cambridge: University of Cambridge: EXT CAMBRIDGE. Good shot of Cambridge when Monty and “Ike“ receive degrees EISENHOWER Receives honorary degree with Montgomery at Cambridge F-M MONTGOMERY Receives with Gen. Eisenhower an honorary degree of Cambridge Personalities - Armed Forces; Ceremonies - Educational; Field Marshall Bernard Law Montgomery ceremony, procession, awards, awarded, Ike, Monty Background: General Dwight D. Eisenhower and Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery receiving honourary degrees from Cambridge University FILM ID: VLVA92AMWGZXKCXQLE43P4YNGN0M4 To license this film, visit
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