The Active Volcano in Greece; Milos

Greece contains 6 active volcanoes. One of these volcanoes encompasses the entirety of the island of Milos, which produced an eruption in 140 CE. Today, numerous fumaroles can be found around the landscape, hinting that the volcano will eventually erupt again. This video will discuss this volcano and mention what its future hazards are. If you would like to support this channel, consider becoming a patron at Another way to support this channel is to make an order via our gemstone and geology related etsy store at . This channel’s merch store is also on etsy at . Graphics of eruption dates are courtesy of the Global Volcanism Program, Smithsonian Institute. Google Earth imagery used in this video: ©Google Thumbnail Photo Credit: dronepicr, Flickr, CC BY 2.0 Sources: [1] The South Aegean Active Volcanic Arc: Present Knowledge and Future Persp
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