melancholia. [ mixtape no.1 ] by Ethergløw [ dark ambient music ]
m e l a n c h o l i a .
[ m i x t a p e n o . 1 ] b y E t h e r g l ø w
[ d a r k a m b i e n t m u s i c ]
a feeling of deep sadness; melancholy.
00:00 distant memories - Ethergløw & Azure
2:13 i try hard not to miss you - Ethergløw
4:43 alone. - Ethergløw
7:00 no return - Ethergløw & Alvin C
9:10 where we belong - Ethergløw & oversyncing
11:22 wistful memories - Ethergløw
13:37 through the mist - Ethergløw
15:47 a close encounter - Ethergløw
17:51 aetherflow - Ethergløw
19:56 where we belong (slowed reverb) - Ethergløw & oversyncing
22:34 alone. (slowed reverb) - Ethergløw
25:14 no return (slowed reverb) - Ethergløw & Alvin C
27:55 where we belong (sped up) - Ethergløw & oversyncing
29:45 alone. (sped up) - Ethergløw