Best Of Bones Mix v1

[TURN ON ADBLOCK] BONES MUSIC GETS COPYRIGHTED SO THERE ARE MANY ADS WITHOUT ADBLOCK!!! I DO NOT OWN THESE SONGS, ALL OF THE RIGHTS GO TO BONES. FOLLOW BONES: I do not have the song times, as this mix is 8 hours and me getting the song times would be an absolute nightmare Just saving the video took all day and night for me because it was 30 gigabytes. Enjoy All of these songs were the best out of all of the Bones albums, I may have full albums on here because they are just that good, lyric-wise/beat-wise The song list goes by the Artist, the Album, and then the song. Song List: YouTube says the description is too long, so I had to put it in an online text document for you all. Thank you guys so much for listening! I hope you enjoy! This mix took me forever to make and
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