Annotated Score - Mozart Piano Sonata in A Minor

Follow-along analytical score of Mozart’s Piano Sonata, , with annotations focusing primarily on form and structure. Performed by: Emil Gilels. Date unknown. Audio from: This is a fair use commentary for educational purposes. BIBLIOGRAPHY/FURTHER WATCHING AND READING: Ijzjerman, J. (2018) Harmony, Counterpoint, Partimento: A New Method Inspired by Old Masters Oxford: OUP [A superb book - highly recommended for an understanding of Mozart’s approach to sequences in particular] Irving, J. (1997) Mozart’s Piano Sonatas: Contexts, Sources, Style Cambridge: CUP Marks, F.H. (1921) The Sonata: Its Form and Meaning as Exemplified in the Piano Sonatas by Mozart; a Descriptive Analysis London: W. Reeves Mozart portrait: By Johann Nepomuk della Croce - Unknown source, Public Domain, Plath, W. & Rehm, W. [Eds] (1986) Neue Mozart-Ausgabe,
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