Kevin Backstrom: Getting fired from the Swedish national team was the best thing to ever happen

Kevin Bäckström is a Swedish snowboarder, content creator and founder of Beyond Medals. His sponsors, Monster Energy, describe him as in word - stylish - and it’s that style that has helped him retain his crown as one of the best in the business, despite not having an ultra-conventional route to success. Yes, he may have been fired from the Swedish national team just before the 2014 Sochi Olympics, and yes, that did mean he had to pivot his career. Has it stopped him or hindered him in any way? Absolutely not. Kevin and Beyond Medals are still both absolutely flying. In this season of Pack Heavy, Chase Light, we follow surfers, snowboarders, artists, connectors, entrepreneurs, business builders, photographers and storytellers. While their jobs may be different, they are all connected by shared values on creativity and building their own vision of the future. You can’t apply for any of the careers these folks have because most of them just threw caution to the wind, said f_ck it, and went
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