TWO. MINUTES. That is how long the shooter had to get set up, line up his shot with iron sights, while using a rangefinder to measure exact distance & take MULTIPLE shots. TWO MINUTES OF ABSOLUTE PURPOSEFUL NON-ACTION FROM ANY SECRET SERVICE OR COUNTER SNIPER. There were rally goers pointing out the shooter on the rooftop (which had a PERFECT line of sight to Trump’s podium) for close to 30 MINUTES BEFORE HAND. Not only that, but the building where the shooter entered was fully occupied by HEAVILY ARMED Police and SOMEHOW the shooter was STILL able to bring in a heavy ladder with an AR-15, climb up to the rooftop & find the perfect position all the while being called out by many on the ground. I want you to THINK about how LUDICROUS this is… I dont care what ANYONE says… This was N O T “negligence”. This was N O T “incompetence”. This was N O T “short staffing”. This ABSOLUTELY WAS with FULL realized intention a well coordinated, and poorly executed (Thank God) INSIDE JOB. Source: PatriotVoiceOfficial
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