Devlog 6. Chicken eggs like weapon. New idea from gamer I implemented.

In RushOut, some of the obstacles will be directly related to unusual challenges. In this video, I showed how I implemented the following idea: the hero needs to take a box with a chicken that is throwing poisonous acid eggs into a trash can in order to open an electric gate. Eggs and the poisonous liquid are the idea of ​​one gamer who wrote about it on the DTF website. It turned out quite fun and perky, I hope you enjoy it. The chicken also has a timer, so you cannot slow down, otherwise the chicken will explode. If the explosion does not throw the hero out of the level, then you can return for the box and again immerse him in the trash can. By color, the chicken is white and the chicken is yellow. Choose which one you like :) If you have some ideas - tell me in comments and I will realize it 💪 You’ve already wish-listed the game, right? if not, do it sooner here:
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