“Expedition! Challenge of the Seven Peaks” (1961) is a black-and-white adventure-style travel film that was part of the ABC’s American travel documentary television series by the same name. Hosted by deep sea diver, author, and explorer colonel John D. Craig, this specific installment features footage from the USSR Pamir Expedition as a group of 12 Georgians made their way from the Eastern end to the Western-most peak of the Pamir Mountains Darvoz Range in Tajikistan. The expedition marked the first time all seven peaks of the mountain range had been climbed. (Unfortunately, it’s not clear what year the actual expedition took place or who the participants were, as this information is not mentioned in the episode.)
“Expedition!” montage scenes from past episodes of TV series ranging from explorers battling Arctic Ocean, jungle, desert (0:07). Colonel John D. Craig surfaces in water wearing 1960s industrial deep sea diver standard diving dress suit known as “hard-hat copper”/“heavy gear” (0:35). Colonel Craig stands in front of world map, other worldly artifacts in TV studio, opening words - points to map of Pamir Mountains including Tian Shan, Hindu Kush, Himalayas (0:44). Map of Central Asia, focus on Georgia, Black Sea, Tajikistan (2:05). Snow-covered peaks of Pamir Mountains (2:17). Economy cabin 1960s aircraft, amateur climbers and members of Georgian Alpine Club in their seats; view of mountain tops from plane (2:22). Close-up rapids of Vanj River, silhouette of explorers trekking on camels in background (3:03). Steeper terrain, explorers switch to horses/ donkeys, led by local guides carrying rifles through changing scenery: wild shrub shaded paths, waterfall with white water rapids (3:41). Group stops on rocky flatland in valley, pause to brainstorm how to move goods across raging river (4:40). Explorers and guides wearing just boxer shorts craft rope pulley, carry out Tyrolean traverse (4:46). Men set up main camp in forested area, woman doctor conducts check-up on all the men, radio communications post set up (6:40). Explorers set out from main camp on foot wearing large backpacks, walking sticks (7:19). Group stops to admire waterfall rushing through rocky facade, admire natural bridges and gorges (7:44). Haze of low clouds obstructs explorers as they make their way to memorial for another expedition group that met a tragic fate (9:01). Men make their way through glacier, icicles hang from boulders, cross over fragile high bridge of ice (9:46). View of snow-covered peaks from base camp at 11,500 ft; explorers now wear warmer layers and sit around small fire to cook hot meal (10:27). Men set out with heavy packs climbing through ice and snow, sun shines through clouds floating just about high mountain peaks, men take a break to put on sunscreen, read compass (11:01). Explorers use safety ropes to traverse various steep slopes, small crevices, jagged terrain of ice sheets; knock away long hanging icicle formations (11:51). Explorers scurry out of tents at base camp and admire stunning cloud formations and bright sun, snow clouds blanket and obscure view of peaks (14:17). Darvoz Range blanketed in fresh coat of snow, trekkers huddle together and study map of Garmo Peak, set out on expedition (14:41). Illustrated diagram of hiking path; base camp and Mt. Garmo highlighted as well as six previously-uncharted peaks (16:12). Men scale wall of ice, use hammer, picks, snow shoes to carefully establish safe path (16:13). Views of snow-covered peaks and valley below from top of one of the virgin summits (17:42). Three humble cloth tents pitched on snowy mountain side as midway camp, low clouds and fog obscure views (18:50). View of trekkers walking in a line along narrow ridge of mountain peak, view of other summits in the distance (19:22). Strained, tired faces of climbers as they feel pressure of high altitude; rock crashes down mountain side and avalanche ensues (19:34). Climbers continue up narrow snowy corridor nestled between jagged rock formations (21:03). Camera pans breathtaking view from top of final summit (22:13). During descent men seen joyfully sliding down snowy mountain side, happy reunion back at base camp (22:52). Closing words (23:48).
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This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD and 2k. For more information visit
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