Asumi Nakata - Mother Symphony

From the CD single “Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch PURE Mother Symphony“. Luchia’s Mermaid Image Song. Song: Mother Symphony Artist: Asumi Nakata English translation lyrics from this website: The glow of the falling stars is now beginning to grow. All lives Aim down the route of your heart. In order to sever the wheel of strife then take control over your injured, worn out wishes. Those who despise love... Those who dirty the sea... Realize something. Realize that you were born from that same “love“. Let everyone know you“re fighting with your soul“s pride! From the musical pitch of miracles, a new song will be born. Offer your heart that“s sucked up sadness, a gentle lullaby. That“s a symphony with a mother“s love. A squall is now running down the water“s edge with a sleeping breath that pours rain of regeneration upon us all. While you“re able to protect the hands you love so much, The power to live on swells up. Those who shut away hearts... Those who hate friends... Since one day, we“ll all be returning to the same sea, why not wake up and feel your pride! Believe in it! Spit out the scars of your heart, and return to love! The heart of yours that“s sucked up truth - make it become one with the seven-pitched melody. That“s a symphony with the feeling of a mother“s breeze. Listen to it, because I want to protect the sounds of the green wind and the blue water forever. Let everyone know you“re fighting with your soul“s pride! From the musical pitch of miracles, a new song will be born. Offer your heart that“s sucked up sadness, a gentle lullaby. That“s a symphony with a mother“s love.
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