Port-A-Gob Technology Replica| Baalbuddy comic

THANKS FOR WATCHING! Subscribe maybe: Join Our Discord: ------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: We are not the author of this comic, all the rights are belong too the artist who made this. The comic author: Background music: Celtic Music - Adventure Awaits Produced by Adrian von Ziegler ------------------------------------------------------------- Special thank to the voice actor: The Goblin And The Elf - SavviLee Twitter: Portfolio: Youtube: The Orc number 1 - ReOJi#1686 The Orc number 2 - The Incredible Holt Insta: Twitch: baalbuddy,voic...e acting,voice over,cute,shortstack,comic,comic dub,baalbuddy comic dub,dungeon and dragons,d&d,dungeons and dragons,dungeons & dragons,fantasy,fantasy creature,mythical creatures,goblin,the goblin,funny comic,funny comics,dub,baalbuddy dub,baalbuddy comic,bread,butter,bread and butter,funny,elf,orc,comics,comic short,dubbing,hot elf,thot,Shortstack,Goblin,port a gob,knight,thot elf,technology,replica,voice actor,comic dubs,baal buddy
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