Emil Pagliarulo has been writing for Bethesda for many years and has been the lead writer since Fallout 3. For about the same length of time, the quality of Bethesda’s games has been falling quite dramatically, with Starfield essentially having no cultural relevance aside from mockery. While Bethesda’s process for making games has many flaws, one of the biggest is in Emil’s influence and lack of skill. When you have a track record this long for bad writing, it stands as proof of incompetence. I do not at all get the impression that this man has any enthusiasm for the craft. Under his tenure th
...e lore and world building of Fallout has been utterly destroyed and he’s done some serious damage to The Elder Scrolls as well. As long as this man remains in any position of influence in Bethesda, we can never expect good games from them again.
My Fallout 4 Analysis:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
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