Luzzasco Luzzaschi (): Quivi sospiri
Quivi sospiri pianti et alti guai,
Rissonavan per l’aer senza stelle,
Perch’ io al cominciar ne lagrimai,
Diverse lingue horribili favelle,
Parole di dolore accenti d’ira,
Voci alte et fioche et suon di man con elle.
Their sighs, lamentations and loud wailings
resounded through the starless air,
so that at first it made me weep;
Strange utterances, horrible pronouncements,
words of pain, tones of anger,
voices shrill and faint, and beating hands.
Lucy Goddard mezzo
Tom Williams countertenor
David de Winter, Stephen Jeffes tenor
Jimmy Holliday bass
Recorded in Orford Church, Suffolk, 9 June 2017
Sound and vision: Patrick Allen for
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