Polish Tango 1932: Henryk Gold Orch. & Stefan Witas (singing) - Za późno (Too Late)
Orkiestra “Columbia“ pod dyr. Henryka Golda & Stefan Witas (refren) – Za późno [Too Late] (Today is too late / Time past will not return) Tango z rewii „Miłość i tango” w „Wesołym Teatrze” (Karasiński-Jerry) Columbia 1933 (Polish)
NOTE: This hit was composed by the famous Polish pre-war saxophonist, composer and dance band leader Zygmunt Karasiński - author of such hits as tango “Czy pamiętasz tę noc w Zakopanem?“ (Do you remember that night in Zakopane? ) or one of Polish evergreens sung by Chór Dana „Pamiętam twoje oczy” (I Remember Your Eyes ). Tango „Za późno” also became a big hit, even though it was performed on stage of the ephemeral cabaret “Wesoły Teatr“, which was little known in Warsaw. This rendition, performed by Henryk Gold’s orchestra, is fabulous, and it’s no wonder he was regarded as the absolute king of the Polish dance band scene in the 1930s and took over the most fashionable nightclub ’Adria’ as the venue for his regular performances in prewar Warsaw. However, a refrain singer Stefan Witas could have done a better job. His refrain is boring and sung in too low a key for the sparkling tenor voice of his. Fortunately, he sings only a short line and disappears from the rest of the song.
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5 months ago 00:03:11 1
Tango 1936: Mieczysław Fogg & Ork. Iwo Wesby’ego - Nie może być inaczej [It Can’t Be The Other Way]