Boer War Scenes (1900)

Unused / unissued material - location and dates unclear or unknown. Scenes from the Boer War - mainly in South Africa. Native Infantry at Pretoria - VS of Native / Indian infantry soldiers drilling on parade ground. Crossing the Modder River - British troops (Lancers) on horseback ride across a ford of the River and past the camera. Boer War Cavalry Charge - Mounted troops travelling across open country. Troops gallop across and halt by line of bushes where they set up gun on tripod while other troops dismount and take cover. (May be a reconstruction) Mafeking Despatch Bearer - Reconstructed sequence showing despatch bearer trying to cross hill held by Boers, after hard fighting one bearer eventually gets through. Ships Return From Boer War - Warships pulling into harbour, troops disembarking and warships at sea. Troops Embarking - Various shots of troops embarking. Naval Guns - Men of the Royal Navy man a ship board gun as they sail at speed. Shots at sea - views from a ship ou
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