NeXus is more powerful than before, with additional parameters and a whole host of modifiers. Simulate realistic flocks and swarms, create organic particle-growth systems, upres low particle-count caches and design layer-based blending options.
Use nxUpres to upres low count particle simulations. Use the cached emitter as the source and an emitter as the destination with a higher particle count, then hit play for live generated, high-particle count simulations, based on the velocity of the source particles.
xpInfectio is now on the GPU as nxInfectio.
nxWave creates a live velocity field that generates animated waves for fluid simulations. We’ve even added six custom noise types especially for NeXus!
xpFoam is now on NeXus as nxFoam, making art directions quicker and easier.
nxWind has been updated with a Von Karman mode, meaning you can create far more physically accurate gusting for realism in simulations.
Particle to object avoidance is now on the GPU with nxAvoid.
nxFlock gives you the ability to layer up several flocking behaviours, like chaos and cohesion. Create pursuit objects for your particles to chase or create enemy particles for which to flee!
With nxBlend, you can now use several blend modes. There’s a new waiting tab for layer-based waiting per particle emitter, enabling you to create amazing blending effects.
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