Father & Son Build their Log Cabin- Ep 12- Log Cabin on a Budget

A Father and Son team continue to build their dream log cabin. Before the end of autumn, they hope to have the 34 foot ridgepole hoisted onto the cabin pinnacle. Before the beginning of winter, they hope to have the roof covered. Can they do it in time? ~ Episode Breakdown: ~ Chapter 1: Finishing the Walls 1:00 Chapter 2: Hoisting the Logs 13:05 Chapter 3: Specialty Cuts 20:18 Chapter 4: The Loft 36:55 Chapter 5: Eve Logs 42:42 Chapter 6: Log Columns 53:17 Chapter 7: Ridgepole 1:04:06 Outsider T-Shirts, Hoodies, and more: Limited Edition Outsider Flashlight (Thrunite): 20% off with coupon code on Thrunite website: 20%( )
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