Muslims desert Labour as a catastrophic new poll just dropped.
A massive loss in the Muslim vote for Labour directly attributable to Keir Starmer, could see Labour lose a lot of seats.
Right, so the first proper measure of how badly Labour are being affected election-wise has come out courtesy of Muslim Census, a Muslim pollster, who have often been used by various mainstream outlets from the BBC, ITV and al-Jazeera to assorted newspapers to gauge the shape of the vote amongst Muslim communities up and down the country and they’ve done the research in light of everything going on in the Middle East right now and our politicians responses to them and what their latest polling amongst Muslims shows is a catastrophically bad picture for Labour, for the damage Keir Starmer and his positioning on Israel and Palestine has done, for the political stunts he has pulled, for his refusal to apologise. The damage done is costing Labour in terms of electability, in terms of retaining or losing seats in high Muslim demographic areas and that could be the difference maker for them taking power at the next election or not. Keir Starmer appears to be a bigger liability to them now than ever before.
Right, so the Muslim Census poll, let’s not drag this out too much longer, this was a poll of some 30,000 Muslims across 575 constituencies in the UK so it’s a massive poll even by typical polling standards, however it is a snapshot poll conducted by filling out an online form so caveats for likely not being as stringent as other polling data, however the result is so mind blowingly bad for Labour, that is really a moot point here. The survey has found that Labour’s vote amongst Muslims has fallen from 71% at the time of the 2019 General Election, to today sitting at just 4.9%. Keir Starmer’s actions, for they cannot be attributed to anyone else in Labour, it’s his refusal to act meaningfully to hold Israel to account, it is he who backed Israel committing ward crimes, it is he who used a Islamic Centre in Cardiff to score political points, have resulted in the almost universal wipeout of Labour’s Muslim vote. Down 66 points. In effect that translates to the loss of some 93% of their voters and votes and I’m reliably informed that would translate in the loss of some 31 seats Labour currently hold. 98% of respondents only had a negative view of both Labour and the Conservatives and its because of their stances in relation to the conflict going on in the Middle East between Israel and Gaza, the Tories down 8 points to just 1% incidentally, the Muslim vote has never been an overtly Tory supporting one. Sadly the biggest winner in all of this is apathy as those saying the wouldn’t vote rose by 28 points, those voting independent rose 21 points, the Greens gained 15 points, the Lib Dems up 8 points and the SNP up 3 points. You also have to bear in mind that aside from the Muslim vote itself, plenty of other Labour voters will have been put off voting for the party on the basis of it’s attitudes towards both Israel and Palestine. As much as many will want the Tories out regardless of how bad the alternative might be, voting for someone who has advocated for war crimes to be committed and refuses to apologise for saying it is a red line of common decency.
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Hi, I’m Damien Willey. I’m a former welder, but now I’m a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on )
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