“To the Calvinist“ - A Voice Clarified, by Leonard Ravenhill

The Idolatry of Church History: “We’ve too many preachers studying Church History, and too few preachers making history. Studying Church History is an indoctrination which, very often becomes I think... ’brain washing’.“ (beware of “blind indoctrination“) Is modern Christianity the blood-bought Church? “He didn’t die for this freak of a thing! This powerless thing!This pale, pathetic, powerless, putrid Protestantism that dares to label itself with His Name!“ Is the Holy Ghost always with a man? “The Holy Ghost may not come back to you... Some of you preachers are preaching a theology and... you’re sheltering behind a denomination, and you’re scared stiff to preach the revelations God has given you...“ “God’s going to do a new thing in this generation.“ How does a Saint Backslide? “Resist. Strive. Grieve. ...when you finish that, He leaves you. You can’t get back to God wh
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