“What is it that Sculptors rave over, old men fume about, and young Politicians sigh for, these days? “Better understandings...“ Superimposition techniques have been used on the first shot to show many pairs of women’s legs moving around the image. The ghostly legs gradually disappear to reveal C/U of one single pair of legs.
Woman wears high heeled shoes and stockings. “No longer is Eve content to hide those shapely limbs.“ C/U of a woman’s crossed legs. A cigarette in a holder is lowered beside her knee. A superimposition is used to show a woman in an old fashioned crinoline type d
...ress who stands underneath the other woman’s legs and looks up in a disapproving fashion. She holds her hands up as if totally shocked by the fact that the woman is smoking. She then disappears. “Verily the old order changeth -“ An old fashioned woman is shown, using superimposition a “modern“ flapper type emerges from the space occupied by the old fashioned woman and walks to the other side of the frame smoking aShow more