Woburn Park, Bedfordshire.
Various shots shows hippies emerging from a psychedelic van, tents and a double-decker bus in the grounds of Woburn Park. Hippies in colourful flower-power clothes with flowers in their hair walk past the stately home at Woburn; one man wears a Union Jack Flag as a cloak over his shoulders. Several shots show people buying beads and paper flowers from sellers at this ’Love-in’.
Painted signs, some on the sides of cars, read ’Psychedelic Happening’, ’Flower Power’ and ’Free Love’. Scenes of hippy couples; tracking shot past numerous people lying on the grass, tapping their feet to music and smoking. People crowd around the back of a van, where real flowers (man!) are being handed out; a woman attaches carnations to Don Piccard’s crash helmet; we then then see Don, preparing to take off in a hot air balloon. Commentator says he is the son of the great balloonist pioneer.
Various shots of the hot air balloon flying over the Love-in and dropping hundreds of flowers on
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THE BEAST (2022) FULL MOVIE [Director’s cut]
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Out Takes / Cuts From Cp 669 - Woburn Love-In And Far From The Madding Crowd (1967)
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Love-In At Woburn Park (1967)
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