Bernd Aloïs Zimmermann ~ Die Befristeten - Ode an Eleutheria (1967)
Composed with and for a set of Jazzmen, this piece was included in a Hörspiel based on the text of Elias Canetti “Die Befristeten“. (The Numbered). An Ode to freedom (Eleutheria) in the form of a dance of death from the music to the radio play.
The Manfred Schoof Quintet
I made a montage with this sculpture where Apollon in represented with the muses and a painting of Brice Marden intituled “The muses drawing“ 1991-1993
Fantastic sound from the vinyle and the Rega. It is a kind of gift to celebrate together the composer’s birthday and the Spring. Enjoy this deep quality.
“And of a later year,
pale in the wine-red algæ,
If you will lean over the rock,
the coral face under wave-tinge,
Rose-paleness under water-shift,
Ileuthyeria, fair Dafne of sea-bords,
The swimmer’s arms turned to branches,
Who will say in what year,
fleeing what band of tritons,
The smooth brows, seen, and half seen,
now ivory stillness.“
Ezra Pound, Cantos II
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4 months ago 00:50:54 3
Eröffnungskonzert der Elbphilharmonie - Концерт-открытие Эльбской филармонии, Гамбург,