Disney Censorship / Easter Egg Comparison: Naked Lady in The Rescuers (1977)

The two frames featuring a topless woman in a window during Bernard and Bianca’s initial descent in The Rescuers (1977) is an Easter egg that can’t be seen during normal playback of the film. It was surely put into the film by some layout artist or camera technician during the original photography and went unnoticed theatrically. The frames were altered to remove the topless woman on the 1992 VHS and LaserDisc releases of the film, but the early 1999 VHS and LaserDisc made it to stores before being swiftly recalled and reissued in a revised version a few months later. Apparently, the offending frames were left unaltered on this remastered transfer. Having preordered the LaserDisc, I received mine and used it for this comparison. The eventual DVD and Blu-ray releases remain altered.
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