上出長右衛門窯の祥瑞画法/”Incomplete Circle"Drawing and Painting Kutani Shonzui

上出長右衛門窯は1879年(明治十二年)に石川県にて創業しました。すべての行程を­社内一貫生産で行い、手造り、手描きにこだわった商品を一点一線丹誠込めて作り続けて­います。 “KUTANI CHOEMON“ was founded in 1879 in Ishikawa, Japan. We have been making tableware and tea ceremony utensils for over 130 years in an integrated system of production from raw material to finished products. Although we are small on a business scale, every piece of work is carefully handmade and hand-painted by experienced crafts
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