Iran-aligned, Iraqi militant group announces suspension of attacks against U.S. forces
’사망 미군 공격세력 지목’ 친이란 민병대 “미군대상 작전 중단“
U.S. President Joe Biden has once again vowed to respond to a drone attack near the Jordan-Syria border that killed three U.S. troops.
Meanwhile, an Iran-backed militia group based in Iraq announced the suspension of all its military operations against U.S. troops in the region.
Lee Eun-jin reports.
On Tuesday, Iran-aligned Iraqi militia group Kata’ib Hezbollah announced the suspension of all its military operations against U.S. targets in the region, including any attacks on U.S. bases in Iraq and Syria.
The group said that it made the decision to prevent “embarrassment“ for the Iraqi government, while it will support the fight in Gaza in other ways.
A Pentagon spokesperson declined to give a detailed comment on the group’s statement.
“Yeah, we’ve we’ve seen those reports. I don’t have a specific comment to provide other than actions speak louder than words.“
Also on Tuesday, U.S. President Joe Biden promised that Washington would respond to attacks against U.S. targets at the weekend, which the Pentagon said looked like having been committed by Kata’ib Hezbollah, while avoiding a broader Middle East war.
On Sunday, a deadly drone attack killed three U.S. service members and wounded more than 40 at a small base near the Jordan-Syria border.
They were the first three American service members to be killed since the start of the war in Gaza, which has resulted in increased tensions in the region.
“In terms of, attribution for the attack, we know this is an IRGC-backed militia. It has the footprints of Kata’ib Hezbollah. But we are not making a final assessment on that. Our teams here are continuing to do the analysis, but we know that Iran is behind it.“
Iran-aligned groups, known collectively as the “Axis of Resistance“, have been waging attacks against Israeli and U.S. targets from Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, and Syria, since the breakout of war in Gaza on October 7th. According to a U.S. military official, as of Tuesday,
those groups have launched 166 attacks on U.S. military installations, including 67 in Iraq, 98 in Syria, and now one in Jordan.
Lee Eunjin, Arirang News.
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2024-01-31, 12:00 (KST)
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