A one take go at even flow. Trying to show how it sounds on a fretless as there are few fretless videos for this song. This is a song we do with The Zen Pigs. It was recorded on a Hohner/steinberger fretless going through a Peavey 2112 guitar amp with a bit of my normal bass used at home for practise. Playback was through some tiny Dell speakers so apologies for the tinny sound and it was recorded on my new Samsung Galaxy Note in self shoot mode (much lower picture quality sadly than the main camera)... think the phone did a good and I love it!
Rate comment or drop me a pm if you feel so inclined. Soundcloud URL will follow once our version of the track is
This is take 2 of our band needs some tweaking but this is really close to live sound..
Let us know what you
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