Ігар Лучанок, Якуб Колас. "Мой родны кут"

Ihar Lučanok and Yakub Kolas. ”Мой родны кут” / “My Native Place“ arranged by Nina Gordon soprano: Wanda Procyshyn violin: Uladzia Šamiećka cello: Nina Gordon piano: Alexandra Golod video: Alex Korolkevitch sound: Mikhail Rykov My native corner(native land, village, hometown…), how dear you are to me! .. I have no strength to forget you! More than once, tired of the road, The life of my poor spring, To you I fly in my mind, And there I rest my soul . Now, like before, I see my native land in front of me. I see the streambed And spruce paired with pine, Hugging tightly over the water, How would young people hug in love On the last evening of parting. I love you, my native shore, Where the Neman (name of river) flows with silver waves, Where oaks in a large number, friendly, stand like towers close to the water. My hometown, how dear you are to me, I have no strength to fo
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