(Guys, really. You all should get used to the fact that when I write the name of weapon\character, I’m not actually showing how it does work. I would do that, but only if I had better hardware. I’m sure no one will want to watch a showcase that has a really low frame-rate)
A real short video. I swear, the fake pull is something new that was added, like, one update ago or so. The start of Jacob was the first time I saw it (and I got Blues from it and it was feeling soooo nice). I’ve never seen it before, really. I wasn’t recording that pull, so I got enough Metals to afford 10x pull from Gac
...ha that features cannon shaped like God Redips (Or Great Redips for those who knows him only by localized name) and here it happened again. Gosh, this feature makes you feel so happy...
Also, this mainly weapon gacha, and the other one with, correct if I’m wrong, Second Armor X and Ferham... They both still feature classic characters!
I hope they’ll not leave. I still need that Super Adaptor Rock. He should be a nice character for platforming (and Axl still can’t hover... I’m waiting for White Axl, he should have infinite hover if this mess will appear in this game too).Show more