「ロックマンX DiVE」Rockman X DiVE — VAVA MK-2’s Model Showcase
Today’s punchline is... Chapter 22 of Project x Zone 2. Those last voice clips originated from there.
I don’t know what else to say. Aside from unpopular opinion of “this is not the best VAVA“. His design is dumb, it also is too bright and colorful for a seath machine he suppose to be. First design was perfect, really. The only menacing thing about MK-2 for me at least is his singular “Sniper Joe“ eye that never blinks. That’s all.
Sure, he’s the most dangerous version of VAVA, and the extreme dangerousness is one of his key traits... but I just can’t help but dislike him. Especually because of all that inner demon bullshit he can’t shut up about ever since its introduction in the franchise in X3 manga (which handeled this concept quite well... it’s just this concept has been beaten to the ground so much years after that it honestly irritates me to no end).
This awesome remix was done by Breis. I’ve been listening to his works for years, it’s really nise! Go check the dude out!