Moranbong Band - New Year Performance Medley

Moranbong Band - 2019년 설맞이축하무대 Performed - 1 / 1 / 2019 Singers - Pak Mi-Kyong, Kim Hyo-Sim, Jo Guk-Hyang, Kim Chong-Ye, Kim Yu-Kyong, Jong Su-Hyang, Yu Pom-Mi, Ryu Jina The Band is back, at least the singers anyway, for a short medley during the celebrations in Kim Il-Sung Square. A surprise appearance, but much appreciated, as you can tell from the massive cheers in the crowd. They too are glad the band is back. 전진하는 사회주의 - Advance of Socialism 달려가자 미래로 - Dash to the Future 설눈아 내려라 - Please, Let the New Years Snow Fall!
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