Goregrind super band started in 2021, featuring members of Regurgitate, Expurgo, General Surgery and Lymphatic Phlegm! Track taken from their upcoming split 7“ EP w/ Meat Spreader, coming through Behind the Mountain Records (CZ) later this year.
Video source:
“A process that involves the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and
bones. The time it takes for putrefaction to occur depends on a number of factors, including:
temperature, moisture, light, burial type... Process produces several gases like hydrogen
sulfide, methane, cadaverine, and putrescine. ammonia, phen
...ol among others onto the complex
chemistry of death“
Putrefaction Sets In are:
André Luiz - Vocals
Glenn Sykes - Bass
Anderson Oliveira - Drums
Urban Skytt - Guitars
Philipe Belisário - Guitars and Vocals
-- Official Media --:
-- Lyrics --
Putrescent De-compounds
Decaying organs swelling
Gaseous de-comproducts
Skin blisters, putrid slippage
Degloving, marbling...
Carbon dioxide... Retention
Hydrogen sulfide... Diffusion
Methane... Distension
Ammonia... ExcretionShow more