HG Amogh Lila Das banned by ISKCON, why? #Atmaram #ACD #Kirtanasya #swamivivekananda #amoghliladas

Why Amogh Lila Das has been banned by ISKCON? Few days back HG Amogh Lila Das made a comment on Swami Vivekananda which was not appreciated by Swami Vivekananda’s followers and they raised very strong objection against it with ISKCON Authorities. In response to this controversy, ISKCON has issued an official letter stating HG Amogh Lila Das has apologised for his comments and is being banned for a month from public preaching. HG Amogh Lila Das has been dedicatedly preaching on social media platforms and became a household name in India. We support HG Amogh Lila Das in this hour of need and pray Sri Sri Radha Krishna that he may connect with us on Social Media as soon as possible. . . #ACD #Kirtanasya #Atmaram #AmoghLilaDas #ISKCON #Controversy #SwamiVivekananda #Apology #Banned #Reel #Viral #Atonment
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