A continuation of my very first Suminagashi session. These are meant to be a bit longer than my “making of“ videos so you can get an intimate look at my process in creating different designs. How dark do you think I let the water get? 😏 I finally finished enough pieces to curate a small art gallery wall in my home, and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. 😄
Suminagashi (墨流し), often translated to “floating ink,“ is the ancient Japanese technique of marbling. For me, it is art therapy.
There is something so healing about lightly touching your brushes to the surface of the water and cre
...ating those entrancing ink rings. Any slight breath or movement and a new design will take shape. You can’t control it. You can’t replicate it. It just is. In turn, forcing you to just go with its flow. To live and create without certainty.
still in bloom, M
brushes: yasutomo all-purpose brush
ink:Show more