Here is an AMV I made of one of my favorite OVAs, Cybernetics Guardian. Some people dislike this movie because the plot is quite confusing and it only runs for about 50 minutes. Despite it’s flaws, it is an awesome sci-fi action story with a spectacular soundtrack composed by Japanese metal band TRASH GANG.
Plot: In the future city of Cyberwood, there exists a crime filled slum called Cancer. Within the slums and hidden from the public is an evil cult known as the Brethren of Saldo. For many years they have kidnapped people from Cancer to become a monster of mass destruction. Meanwhile, the Supreme Guard Company is debating what they should do with the Cancer slums. One researcher named John Stalker and his girlfriend Leyla invent a suit built from a psychic metal called Astanite that will safely disable weapons and machines. His rival, Adler, invents a giant mech called the Genocyber that will destroy Cancer and its civilians, as well as John. During a test on John’s Astanite suit, the cult uses their evil magic to implant the dark energy of Saldo within him. John’s suit malfunctions and explodes, severely injuring him. While the doctors try to operate on him, his powers are activated and he breaks free from the ambulance. A police officer tries interviewing John, but the cult abducts him before he can explain anything. The cult places John inside a statue of Saldo, and he is brainwashed to do their bidding. They are about to perform the ritual that will complete John’s transformation when Adler, frustrated that John survived the explosion, intervenes and shoots John. He then tries running John over with his car, but John transforms into the Saldo monster and mauls Adler. John is stricken with grief as he goes on a rampage, killing people against his will. With his body having taken heavy damage, Adler merges with his Genocyber machine and sets out to kill John and steal Leyla for himself. Knowing that there is still good within John, Leyla invades the cult and helps John regain his consciousness. But before they can be at peace, Adler captures John and takes him back to the SGC lab for one last fight. John is easily overwhelmed, and Adler chases after Leyla on the roof of the SGC building. After the fight, astatine gas leaks from a pipe and cleanses John’s armor. Having regained his strength, he knocks the Genocyber mech off the roof of the SGC building, killing Adler. John is returned to normal, and lives happily together with Leyla.
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