“Ninja Prophecy“ PART 2 - Gameloft 2010 (Java Game)

“Ninja Prophecy“ “Ninja Prophecy java“ “Ninja Prophecy (J2ME)“ “Java Game“ “Phone Game“ “Java Mobile“ Ninja Prophecy is a traditional RPG game, taking place in a fictionalized version of Japan. The player controls a party of up to 5 characters during the main quest, which is centered around their efforts to stop Ozunu, a powerful being that has been resurrected in a failed attempt to gain his powers. Sub-quests are also available from a guild. Traveling between areas can be done with a simple click on the game’s map. During exploring, enemies are encountered randomly and fought in turn-based combat using physical and magic attacks. Aside from the usual experience points and money, successful battles may also yield materials, which can be used for new items at a laboratory or blacksmith. ====================================================================================== Спустя 100 лет после смерти Ozunu и его возможностей, таинственная группа зла возросла. Возглавьте группу ниндзя и остановите зло, опечатав шамана Озуну. Примените тактику ведения боя и мастерство ниндзя. ====================================================================================== #NinjaProphecy #Ninja #Gameloft #javagame #джаваигры #игра #игранателефон #мобильнаяигра #phonegame #mobilegame #oldgames
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