Japan Rushes Troops To Chinese War Zone Aka Japan Mobilizes (1928)

Full titles read: “JAPAN RUSHES TROOPS TO CHINESE WAR ZONE - Kunamoto. - 6000 fighting men hurriedly mobilized entrain for departure to Shantung.“ Japan. Various shots show men signing forms as they enlist in the Japanese army. Intertitle reads: “Bidding farewells to their families.“ Several shots of men talking with their families. Various shots of the men fastening their kit bags and preparing to leave. Intertitle reads: “Youthful recruits undergo inspection.“ M/S of the troops standing to attention. Intertitle reads: “Off for the front.“ Various shots of the troops marching along a road; they are followed by some women carrying children. People line the streets waving Japanese flags as the soldiers march by. M/Ss of the troops boarding a train and looking out of the windows as the train pulls out. Intertitle reads: “Chiang Kai-shek leads Nationalist Army in China.“ M/S of Chiang Kai-shek in military uniform, sitting on a horse. Intertitle reads: “Chinese soldiers who are fight
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